How Do You Say You Are Forwarding an Email: A Guide to Email Communication Etiquette

When communicating via email, forwarding messages effectively is essential for maintaining clarity and professionalism. You can express that you are forwarding an email by using phrases that indicate the original message’s importance and context. A well-crafted forwarding message includes a brief introduction, summarizes the original content, and clarifies your intention. For example, you might write “Please find below the email I received regarding the project update.” This ensures the recipient understands the significance of the forwarded email and its content. Clear communication, like the use of effective templates, helps prevent misunderstandings in professional settings. For a more structured approach, you can refer to this internal audit announcement email sample, which can guide you on maintaining professionalism in email communications.

How to Say You’re Forwarding an Email

Forwarding an email might seem straightforward, but it’s nice to keep a friendly tone and clarity in the message. Whether you’re sending it to a coworker, client, or someone in your network, how you frame your message can make a big difference. Here’s a breakdown of how to craft your forwarding email in a way that’s friendly and clear.

Step-by-Step Guide to Forwarding an Email

When you forward an email, think about two key points: the information you’re sharing and how you let the receiver know why you’re sending it. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Start with a Friendly Greeting: It’s always nice to say hello to the person you’re forwarding to. A simple “Hi [Name],” will do.
  2. Introduce the Forward: Let them know you’re forwarding something by using phrases like:
    • “I’m forwarding this email for your reference.”
    • “I thought you might want to check this out.”
    • “Here’s something that might interest you.”
  3. Provide Context: If the email needs some context, give a brief overview of what it’s about. This could be a sentence or two explaining why it’s relevant.
  4. Forward the Email: Include the original email chain below your message so the recipient can see the full context.
  5. Add Any Additional Notes: If you want to share your thoughts or questions, include them after the forwarded email. This gives the recipient insight into what you think.

Examples of Forwarding Emails

It can help to see real-life examples of how to phrase your forwarding messages. Here are a few templates you can use or tweak:

Scenario Email Forwarding Example
Sharing a Project Update Hi Team,
I’m forwarding this project update from Chris. It includes some important deadlines we need to keep in mind. Check it out!
Sending an Interesting Article Hey [Name],
I thought this article might interest you! Let me know what you think.
Following Up on a Client Inquiry Hello [Name],
I’m forwarding this email from our client for you to review. They have a few questions we need to address.

Things to Keep in Mind

Before hitting that forward button, consider these quick tips:

  • Check for Privacy: Make sure there’s nothing sensitive in the email that shouldn’t be shared.
  • Be Brief: Don’t overload your message with too much text. Keep it succinct.
  • Follow Up: If the forwarded email requires action, make a note to follow up later to see if there are any updates.

By following these steps and tips, you’ll be able to effectively forward emails while keeping your communication clear and friendly!


Effective Ways to Forward an Email with Purpose

For Additional Review

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’ve attached the email below for your review. I believe your insights will be valuable before we proceed.

Thank you!

To Share Important Information

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I wanted to share this email with you as it contains crucial updates regarding our project timeline. Please see the details below.

  • Project start date
  • Milestones and deadlines
  • Team responsibilities

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

For Delegation of Tasks

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

I’m forwarding this email regarding [specific task or project] to you. As discussed, I believe this is a suitable assignment for you. Please let me know if you need any further information.

Best regards,

To Notify a Team Member

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Please find the forwarded email below concerning [subject or issue]. It’s important that you are updated on this matter, as it pertains to your role in the project.

Thanks for your attention to this!

For Clarification on an Issue

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am passing along the email below to provide you with context regarding an issue we recently discussed. Your expertise will help clarify this matter.

Looking forward to your thoughts!

To Keep Someone in the Loop

Hello [Recipient’s Name],

As part of our commitment to keeping everyone informed, I’m forwarding this email to ensure you are up to date on our latest decisions. Please find the information below.

Thank you for staying engaged!

To Confirm Arrangements

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

This email is being forwarded for confirmation regarding our upcoming meeting. Please review the details below and let me know if everything looks good.

Appreciate your prompt response!


What does it mean to forward an email?

Forwarding an email means sending a received email to another recipient. In this process, the original email content is included in the new message. The action allows others to see the information contained in the original email. Email clients typically provide a “Forward” feature to facilitate this process. When you forward an email, the original sender’s address may remain visible unless the system is configured otherwise. In forwarding, you can also add commentary or additional text to clarify context for the new recipient.

How do you communicate that you are forwarding an email to someone?

To communicate that you are forwarding an email, you can include a brief note in the forwarded message. This note should summarize the purpose of the email you are sharing. You can use phrases such as, “Please see the below email for your reference” or “I am forwarding this email for your awareness.” The intent is to inform the recipient about the relevance of the forwarded content. Additionally, using a clear subject line can enhance the understanding of the email context. Making this information clear helps the recipient to quickly grasp the reason for receiving the email.

Why would you choose to forward an email instead of copying the content?

Choosing to forward an email instead of copying the content allows for the original format and structure to be maintained. In forwarding, the complete email chain is preserved, including timestamps and original sender information. This is beneficial for maintaining the context of discussions or decisions made in the email. Forwarding is often more efficient than copying and pasting, especially for lengthy emails. By using the forward feature, you ensure that no crucial information gets lost in translation. Forwarding also provides the forwarded email recipient with the entire background necessary to understand the content fully.

What steps are involved in forwarding an email effectively?

Forwarding an email effectively involves several key steps. First, you need to open the email that you wish to forward. Next, locate and click the “Forward” button within your email client. Afterward, enter the recipient’s email address in the appropriate field. It is advisable to write a brief introduction or explanation in the body of the forwarded message. Finally, ensure that the original email remains intact and that attachments, if any, are included. After reviewing, click “Send” to complete the forwarding process. This structured approach ensures that the forwarded email conveys the intended message clearly and effectively.

So there you have it! Next time you hit that forward button, you’ll know just how to say it without any fuss. Whether it’s a quick note or a more detailed message, a little personal touch goes a long way. Thanks for hanging out with us and diving into the art of emailing! We hope you found these tips helpful. Be sure to swing by again soon for more tips and tricks, and until then, happy emailing!